I drove to Obihiro airport to see the family of my daughter off. On the way to and from the airport, we met a dusty storm. This is due to the very little snow on the field and dry air. Soil erosion and the effect to the growth of crops (wheat) are anticipated.
Farmer's field under dusty storm.
5. January, 2022.
Walk along Kikanko river and in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. 機関庫川沿いと農業高校の森の散歩。
After one week of staying home, I walked along Kikanko river and in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School on January 6. Near the river, I could see Great Eglet. 0n January 7, I walked almost the same route. There, I could see Japanese Tit, Eurasian Jay and a fox.
1月6日には1週間ぶりに散歩をしました。まなびの公園付近で偶然ダイサギを見ることができました。 1月7日もほぼ同じルートを歩きました。今日は何もいないなと思っていたら、最後の方でシジュウカラ、カケス、キツネを見ることができました。
Walk in Manabino Park in the morning and along the bank of Urikai river in the afternoon. 午前中にまなびの公園、午後に売買川堤防を散歩。
On January 8, I walked both in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, I drove a car to a post and dropped at Manabino Park. It was still very cold, and twigs and grasses along Kikanko river were frosted. In the afternoon, I walked to the bank of Urikai river. Small dam on the river was frozen. On the way back, I passed through the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School, and through Manabino Park again. I could see Japanese Tits playing on the fallen tree in the river.
Long-tailed Tit and Great Spotted Woodpecker. エナガとアカゲラ。
On January 9, I could find Long-tailed Tit and Great Spotted Woodpecker in the "Kikanko no kawa" Park soon after I started walking. However, no more birds thereafter.
上:ヤマモミジの木に止まるシマエナガ (Long-tailed Tit on the tree of maple)。
下:ヤマモミジの木に止まるシマエナガ (Long-tailed Tit)。
On Janury 10, I walked almost the same route also today. However, I walked into a section of the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School, where I did not walk during summer and autumn due to the too dense under-grasses. I could observe only the footprints of wild animals (fox etc.) there. Today, I could take only the photo of woodpecker (Great Spotted Woodpecker) which came within the accessible range of my camera. There is too little snow in the field, but it may snow much tomorrow.
上:Half moon and willow trees.
下:Great Spotted Woodpecker.
上:Great Spotted Woodpecker.。
下:Long white cloud.
上:Long white cloud.
下:A sign board in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
上:Forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
下:Farmer's field planted to wheat.
Walk on January 10.
10. January, 2022.
On January 11, I walked in the morning, as heavy snow is forecasted in the afternoon.
On Janury 12, just as forecasted, it snowed heavily. It brew also very hard, and broken tree twigs were found buried in snow in my garden. The depth of snow was around 54 cm in my garden. In the meteorological station it was 59 cm, the largest record in January. Snow on the road are removed by the public service, but the snow from the road to garage or entrance of the house should be removed by ourselves. It took whole day from 7:30 in the morning to 5:00 in the evening to remove the snow by me and my wife.
Scenes after the heavy snow on Janury 13. I could not walk into the “Kikanko no kawa” park due to the snow. “Manabino” park was accessible only to the children’s play ground, but not to the trees and river area.
As I can pass only roadway or sidewalk due to the heavy snow, the route of my afternoon walk is the same as that of yesterday. The photos taken during today's walk have been uploaded. Snow on the sidewalk, as well as that in the park place and promenade in the "Manabino" park has been removed more neatly, and therefore, it has become more comfortable for walking.
Thinning work in the forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu no Kai". エゾリスの会による帯広の森の間伐作業。
I participated in the thinning work in the forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu-no-kai". We cut down the needle trees which have contributed to the formation of the forest of Obihiro, to assist the shifting of the forest into deciduous vegetation.
(*) 間伐の目的については、エゾリスの会で長年活動してこられ、日頃の活動をリードしておられる I さんから、下記のような詳しい説明を頂きましたので、ここに追記しておきます。以下は I さんからのコメントの引用です。
Walking in the forest of "Hagukumu". 「はぐくーむ」の森を散歩。
I walked in the forest of Obihiro wearing snow shoes. It was snowy, and I could enjoy the walk on new snow. I could also take the photo of Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker.
I walked to the bank of Urikai river passing through the parks of "Kikanko no Kawa" and "Manabino", and came home walking through the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Walking in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School wearing snow shoes. 農業高校の森をスノーシューで散歩。
I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School wearing snow shoes, which I borrowed from the Sports Center in The forest of Obihiro, preparing for the activity of Ezorisu no kai scheduled on January 22. Then moved to Manabino park and came home.
Wild birds survey by the activity of Ezorisu-no-kai. エゾリスの会によるモニタリングサイト1000の里地里山鳥類調査。
In the morning of January 22, I participated in the Wild birds survey in the forest of Obihiro by the activity of Ezorisu-no-kai. Three ladies and four gentlemen joined the activity, which was a little less than usual, presumably due to the spread of Covid omicron virus. We formed two groups, ladies group and gentlemen's group, and carried out the survey in 20 minutes interval. Temperature was very low (lower than minus 10 degree) but the weather was sunny, not windy and comfortable.
Walking the same route of the Wild birds survey on the next day. 次の日に前日の鳥類調査と同じルートを散歩。
In the morning of January 23, I walked the same route as that of wild birds survey carried out yesterday. I also climbed "Mori no yama" in addition. I could not see so many birds as yesterday. Walking with veteran members has a merit that they can find birds better and teach me, so that I can see many birds.
On January 25, I walked in the Obihiro Green Park. To and from the park, I rode a bus. In the park, “Ice Festival” had been planned, but it was cancelled due to the outbreak of Covid Omicron virus. Many ice blocks were left unused in the park. In the Centennial Museum of Obihiro, I appreciated the art exhibition by the local artists.
On January 28, I walked along the bank of Urikai river. To and from the Urikkai river, I passed the road between the field and forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Visiting International Crane Center in Akan town. 阿寒町の国際ツルセンターを訪問。
Before attending the meeting for the biogas plant of JA Akan, I visited the International Crane Center in Akan town.
JA 阿寒のバイオガスプラント関連の会議に出席するために阿寒町に行きましたが、少し早く着いたので国際ツルセンターを訪問しました。
Digging a passage in the snow in my garden and a walk in the afternoon. 庭の雪の中の道造りと午後の散歩。
I dug a passage in the snow in my garden, so that I can observe the temperature by the digital thermometer installed in the garden. Air temperature at 7:30 this morning was - 15.8 C and the ground temperature at - 40 cm was + 1.4 C. Soil animals such as earthworm can survive without being frozen in the soil.
上: 雪の中に掘った通り道。
下: ドッグランへの排雪。
上: 大気温度。7:30に - 15.8 C.
下: 地中温度。7:30に 40cmの深さで+ 1.4 C.
The peak of coldness has passed in the end of February, and I could see wild birds more often during my walk.
After the heavy snow, snow melted rapidly.
On March 8, I walked to the bank of Urikai river.
上: 機関庫の川公園
下: まなびの公園
上: 北斗病院付近
下: 売買川の堤防。サケのふるさと公園付近。
上: 売買川の堰。
下: 売買川の中洲とヤナギの木。
上: 売買川の堤防とハルニレ。
下: 日本甜菜糖旧工場方面の眺め。
On March 9, I walked via the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School to Manabino park.
上: 農業高校のシラカバ並木。
下: 段丘崖のミズナラ林。
上: 農業高校の森で最近伐採されたカラマツ。
下: 段丘崖のカシワの梢。
上: まなびの公園内の機関庫川の水溜り。
下: 機関庫川の流れ。
On March 10, I walked in the Manabino park.
上: 清流3丁目の街路。
下: 機関庫川沿いの木立。エゾノコリンゴとミズナラ。
上: まなびの公園。
下: まなびの公園内の機関庫川。
上: カモのペア。
下: ヤマメの稚魚が泳ぐ機関庫川。
On March 11, I walked in the Green park of Obihiro.
上: えがお橋から見た機関庫川。
下: 緑ヶ丘公園の彫刻の径沿いの林。
上: 緑ヶ丘公園の彫刻の径。
下: ハシブトガラ。
上: シジュウカラ。
下: シジュウカラ。
上: 緑ヶ丘公園の十勝池。
下: 緑ヶ丘公園の十勝池。氷が融け始めていました。
On March 12, I walked through Manabino Park to the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. Due to the warmth, the icy surface of snow has become soft and my leg sank into the snow while walking. Many infant fish were swimming in the Kikanko river in Manabino park.
Thinning work in the forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu no Kai" for the second time this year. 今年2回目のエゾリスの会による帯広の森の間伐作業。
On March 12, I joined the activity of Ezorisu-no-kai. The activity in the last month (February) was cancelled due to the heavy snow. This time, following the activity on January 16, we moved the trunk and twigs of fallen needle tree and fell new needle trees separated in two groups. Snow was still deep in the forest. After the work, I was given a pair of wooden snow shoes which have been used by the "Ezorisu-no-kai" for many years. I will try them in the near-by parks and forests where still much snow is remaining.