5) 収穫前後の農家圃場の変化(帯広市清流西付近)。
Change in the view of farmer's field before and after the harvest.
September 15 .
Potato field after harvest.
September 15 .
Sweet corn field after harvest.
September 15 .
Sweet corn field after harvest. Top part (leaves and stems) of the crops are chopped and plowed into the soil. Rolls of wheat straw are brought to dairy farmers and used as bed materials for cows, then come back to the crop field as barn yard manure. They are recycled and used as the nutrition for the next crops.
Activities of Ezorisu-no-kai on 19-20, September, 2020 2020年9月19日と20日のエゾリスの会の活動。
1) 帯広の森で林床植物の移植。(9月19日)
Transplanting the forest floor plants in the forest of Obihiro on September 19.
I joined the activity of "Ezorisu no Kai", today. We planted the seedlings and infant plants collected in the forest of Obihiro to the cleared area in the same forest to re-establish the natural vegetation. I could enjoy the early autumn in the forest of Obihiro.
2) 帯広の森で巻き枯らし区の全立木調査(午前)とモニタリングサイト1000の植物調査(午後)(9月20日)。
Tree survey and plant survey in the forest of Obihiro on September 20.
On September 20, I joined the activity of “Ezorisu no Kai” in the forest of Obihiro also today.
In the morning, we identified and counted all the forest floor woods (taller than 2 m) in the area where Korean nut pine trees had been withered by removing their bark around the trunk 2 - 4 years ago. These Korean nut pines were planted here around 40 years ago to make the forest, but they have become too tall and dense, made the forest too dark and the diversity of the plant species in the forest has become too simple. Due to the withering of Korean nut pine, the small forest floor trees can now receive more light and can grow taller. As a result, number of trees in the forest floor has increased around 5 more times compared with 4 years ago.
In the afternoon, we surveyed the plant species in the forest of Obihiro as one of the routine activity of the monitoring site 1000 projects in Japan. I was happy to know the names of plants on the route.
Total tree survey in the forest of Obihiro by the members of "Ezorisu no Kai".
Visiting the Manabe Garden and Tokachi Hills Garden on 22-23, September, 2020 9月22日と23日に真鍋庭園と十勝ヒルズガーデンを訪問。 Walking along the bank of Urikai river on September 24. 9月24日に売買川の堤防沿いを散歩。
1) 真鍋庭園の訪問。(9月22日)
Visiting Manabe Garden on September 22.
On September 22, I visited Manabe Garden and then a water park in the river floor of the river shore near the joint position of Satsunai river and Urikai river.
Walking in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and along Kikanko river on 25, September, 2020 2020年9月25日, 農業高校の森と機関庫川沿いを散歩。
On September 25, I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and along Kikanko river. I show here the photos in the order of seeing and snapping them.
Threshing the buckwheat on 27 and 28, September, 2020 ソバの脱穀(2020年9月27-28日)。
Threshing the buckwheat manually. Today, I removed the seeds from the stem. As it was not windy, I could not separate the seeds from the dust of leaves on September 27. As it was windy on September 28, I separated the seeds of buckwheat from the fragments of leaves by transferring the crude seeds from one container to another in my garden. I felt that the yield was not so much.
左上:今年収穫したソバの全量。Whole buckwheat harvested this year.右上:ブルーシートに包みました。軽く麻紐で結んであります。Wrapped in a blue sheet.
左下:さらにガムテープで補強しました。Wrapped firmly with gummed tape.右下:上から足で踏んでつぶしました。I stepped on the wrap of buckwheat to remove the seeds from the stem.
左上:踏んでつぶしたあとのソバ。Buckwheat after stepping.、右上: さらに手でもみながら茎と実を分けました。Removed the seeds further by hand.
左下:茎を除いたあとのソバ。葉と実の混合物です。Mixture of seeds and leaf powder. 右下: 一番細かい葉の粉は2mmのふるいで除去しましたが、風が無いので、大きな葉は取り除くことができませんでした。I removed the fine leaf powder by sieve, but could not remove the coarse leaf fragments as there was no wind.
上: Buckwheat seeds after removing the fragments of leaves
左下:I separated the seeds of buckwheat from the fragments of leaves by transferring the crude seeds from one container to another in my garden. 右下: Seeds were put into a mesh bag.
Visiting the wild grass garden on 27, September, 2020 帯広市野草園の散策(2020年9月27日)。
On my way home from the city library, I dropped at the wild grass garden of Obihiro. This year, I seldom visited this garden, because the opening of the garden was delayed due to the spread of Corona Virus disease and I was also busy for preparing my online lectures as a part-time lecturer.
Visiting Kunimiyama and harvesting mushrooms in my garden on 29, September, 2020 国見山散策と家の庭でのキノコの採集(2020年9月29日)。
9月29日の午後は自転車で国見山まで行ってきました。FaceBook の思い出によると去年の9月28日にも自転車で国見山へ行っていました。今年になってからは一度も行っていなかったように思います。家にいた妻は庭のブドウの木の下にたくさんのハタケシメジを見つけて収穫していました。燈台下暗しでした。
In the afternoon of September 29, I climbed Mt. Kunimi-yama located around 13 km north from my house. I rode there by bicycle. One year ago, on September 28, I also went there by bicycle. FaceBook reminded me of the outing. Mt. Kunimi-yama is not high, only 128 m, but nice place to visit. My wife who stayed at home, found many mushrooms under the grape tree in our garden, and harvested them. She cooked the mushroom for our dinner. It was very delicious.
Visiting Manabe garden and walking along the bank of Satsunai river on 30, September, 2020 真鍋庭園の訪問と札内川堤防の散策(2020年9月30日)。
On September 30, I visited Manabe garden and came home passing through the bank of Satsunai river. In the Manabe garden, new art work has been added among the open air art works of Mr. T. Shibuya. Also on the wood carving work made by the staff of the garden, some apples have beeb placed for decoration. Leaves of trees have turned a little more red and yellow, though my last visit was only 8 days ago.
Tonight, I tasted the liqueur prepared from the red berries of 'Schisandra chinensis Baill.' which I collected at the bank of Urikai river last week. My wife soaked the berries in white liqueur with rock sugar and left it for one week. It has been beautifully colored. It tasted also nice.
A thistle (Cirsium setosum) and Aster microcephalus var. yezoensis. Even if they are cut and removed as weeds in the roadside, they bloom again around two months later.
Hokkaido Squirrel Census and butterfly survey in the forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu no Kai" on 4, October, 2020 エゾリスの会による帯広の森でのエゾリスセンサスと蝶類調査(2020年10月4日)。
On October 4, I joined the activity of "Ezorisu no Kai" for the "Hokkaido Squirrel Census" and the survey of butterflies in the forest of Obihiro. It started at 6:30 and ended at around noon. "Hokkaido Squirrel Census" was carried out in 5 groups to survey the whole area of the forest. In my route, no squirrel was observed. Squirrels are concentrated in the area where Korean pines "Chousen Goyou" are growing densely to feed the seeds in the cone. In the butterfly survey, only a few white and yellow butterflies were observed. During the survey, I could enjoy the red and yellow leaves of trees and various mushrooms emerged from the forest floor.
White squirrel on 5, October, 2020 白いリス(2020年10月5日)。
I could see a white squirrel during my walk. Though I walked the same path many times thereafter, I could not find it again.
Trees in the front zone will be felled down to construct a new campus promenade in OUAVM. The planned promenade has two road for vehicles connected to a rotary road in front of the first building of the university, and a pedestrian's zone between the vehicle roads. Pink colored tapes are tied around the trunks of the trees to be felled down. The new pedestrian's zone with very few trees is not attractive.
Plant survey in the Forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu no Kai" and autumn view around my house. エゾリスの会による帯広の森の植物調査と近所の秋の風景。
In the afternoon of October 11, I participated in the plant survey of "Ezorisu no Kai" in the forest of Obihiro. It was the last plant survey in this year. I could see some flowers still blooming in the late autumn. We could also find a lava of stag beetle and a queen vespine wasp which is looking for the place to sleep during winter.
On October 16, I removed the shell from soy bean and flower bean harvested yesterday. I shelled the beans by hand. Farmers do not do like that, but the amount of the beans was little enough to shell by hand. In the evening, I went to the university field to check the crops. As it frosted this morning, some crops, grape, tomato, green pepper, and flower bean have started to wither. Spinach and mustard were free from the frost damage.
上:大豆と花豆の莢外し。I removed the shell from soy bean and flower bean harvested yesterday.
下:初霜でしおれたブドウの葉。Leaves of grape withered after the morning frost.
左上:花豆。Leaves of flower bean have started to wither. 右上:ピーマンは完全にしおれました。The whole plant of green pepper has been withered due to the morning frost.
左下:ほうれん草。Spinach was not damaged by the morning frost. 右下:ミックスからしな。まだ大丈夫でした。Mustard was also safe from the morning frost.
Visiting Tokachi Hills Garden by bicycle. 自転車で十勝ヒルズガーデンを訪問。
In the afternoon of October 17, I visited Tokachi Hills Garden by bicycle. I could also enjoy the rural view on the way. The community house at Kita Aikoku was formerly a railway station of Hiroo line. Tokachi Hills Garden will be closed after tomorrow for this year. I was lucky to visit there today. Photos uploaded below include the ones taken on the way to the garden.
Horse chestnut tree in the park beside Kikanko river.
左上: 収穫の終わった甜菜畑。Sugar beet field where beets have been harvested. 右上:北愛国地区の住居表示看板。Sign board showing the location of farms in Kita Aikoku.
左下:北愛国会館。Community house in Kita Aikoku district. A rail road station used to be here.右下:北愛国会館の隣にあった仏像。Stone Buddha statue beside the community house.
左上:秋まき小麦の畑。Winter wheat field. 右上:途別川にかかる水門。Water gates on Tobetsu river.
左下:地面に下ろされた長芋のツル。Chinese yam laid down on the ground. 右下:十勝ヒルズ前からの眺め。View from the field in front of Tokkachi Hills Garden.
In the afternoon of October 18, I went to the university field to clean the crops which have been damaged due to the morning frost. Removing the vines of flower bean was a hard work and I could finish it at around 16:00 pm.
Then, I went to the site where tree felling in the campus is going on.
Tree felling had already started since October 16.
Many trees from the main gate and the first research building had been felled already, but some trees including Katsura tree and red maple (my favorite trees) were still remaining undisturbed. If they (university head staffs) are planning to fell these trees after enjoying the autumn colors of the trees, they are very cruel and cold hearted.
By chance, I met there a former university staff who retired two years earlier than me. She was also very worried about the tree felling in the campus, and came to the campus. She said that she met here also a graduated student who also came here from Sapporo to witness the tree felling in the graduated school.
I knew that there is a campus master plan in the university, but I did not know when the plan of “campus promenade” was set up concretely and opened. Most of the university members (staffs. teachers and students) may have not known that such many trees are felled down by this plan.
These days, ministers and officers of the government often say that they carry out their duty speedy and in silence. I feel that also in the university, unfavorable matters are carried out speedy in silence.
Cleaning the crops which have been damaged due to the morning frost.
In the afternoon of October 19, I visited Manabe Garden to enjoy the autumn colors of trees. Manabe Garden in autumn should not be missed. Red colors of trees are changing every day, and it is difficult to judge the best time to visit. Maybe it is best to visit there often and enjoy the change itself. As I live near and can visit there by bicycle (sometimes on foot), and have purchased the season's pass, and have enough free time after retirement, I can enjoy such luxurious time spending.
Farmer's field near the western bank of Satsunai river. Winter wheat has just germinated, and sugar beet is waiting to be harvested soon.
In the afternoon of October 20, I rode my bicycle along the former railroad tracks (Tokachi Toteppo rail road line and Shihoro rail road line) and Obihiro Green Park. Leaves of maple tree in the Toteppo street have turned beautifully red, where I visited also on October 9. Red maples in the Obihiro Green Park were also marvelous.
上:清流1丁目付近の街路樹の紅葉。 下:西8条通りの売買川への橋の建設工事。
Up: Red maple trees along the street in Seiryu 1 chome. Down: Bridge construction on Urikai river at West 8 street.
Autumn scenes during the walk, and home made dishes. 散歩中の秋の景色と、自家製の食べ物。
Autumn scenes during the walk, and the dishes from the self grown vegetables and fruits.
Up: Soy beans and boiled soy beans. Down: Bunch of grapes and the jam made from it. They are all self grown and home made dishes.
Autumn color changes of Quercus trees, Kashiwa and Mizunara. カシワとミズナラの紅葉。
Formerly before the land clearing started, Tokachi plain was filled with oak (Quercus) trees. Color of oak trees changes beautifully in this season.
Red leaves of maple trees in the "Manabino" park. まなびの公園の紅葉。
"Manabino" park, which is around 20 minutes walk from my house, is a comfortable park with a plenty of trees along Kikanko river.
Harvest of sugar beet in a farmer's field. 農家圃場でのテンサイの収穫
On the return way from the Manabe Garden, I could see the sugar beet harvesting in a farmer's field. Here, the operation was carried out in two steps, tapping of the top part and then harvesting (collecting).
Change of seasons informed by plants and animals. 生き物たちが知らせる季節変化
その後、森の中で見かけた大量の蝶は、イチモジフユナミシャクという蛾であったことが判明。エゾリスの会の YI さん有難うございます。
In the morning of October 27, I found a couple of Japanese cranes on my walking route. Unfortunately they did not accompany their infant birds. On the next day, I could see some jays, Hokkaido squirrels, foxes, swans flying over the sky, and many small butterflies in the forest, but no Japanese cranes. As stubbles of dent corn have been plowed in and winter wheat was sown. Therefore, Japanese cranes may not find enough food for them, and may have flown to other place. I could also find a sward of small butterflies on the forest floor.
The weather was cold and windy on October 30. I went out for walking in the late evening. Leaves of oak trees have been blown off in large amounts. In the nearby park, a banner sign "Play with 2 meter distance" has been put on a playing facility for children. It seems to be a very difficult order for the children.
Walking to Urikai river bank. /Collecting data and setting the temperature logger in the Junior Course Field. 売買川堤防まで散歩。別科圃場の温度ロガーからのデータ回収と再設置。
10月31日は午前中に2時間ほど散歩しました。機関庫川沿いのまなびの公園、農業高校の森、稲田小学校の北側の売買川堤防、日甜旧宿舎跡などを通り、再びまなびの公園、機関庫の川公園などを通って帰ってきました。気の向くままに特に目的もなく歩きましたが、天気も良く気持ちの良い散歩となりました。午後は、買い物のついでに、大学の圃場に設置してあった温度ロガーをとりはずし、家のパソコンでデータを取り出しました。1個は電池切れ、もう1個は転送中のトラブルでデータが取れませんでしたが、気温と10cm, 30cm地温のデータを取り出すことができました。最低気温はマイナス30.3℃、最高気温はプラス35.1℃でした。 11月1日の札内川堤防への散歩の写真も追加して載せました。 2019年と2020年度別科圃場の気温と地温/Air and ground temperature in the Junior Course Practice Field in 2019 and 2020.
左上:ヤチダモ Swamp ash。右上:まなびの公園内の木立。
左下:まなびの公園のエゾリス。Hokkaido squirrel in Manabino Park. 右下:農業高校の牧草地。数日前にタンチョウがいたところ。Pasture field of Agricultural High School, where a couple of Japanese crane was found several days ago.
左上:ユリワサビ。Wild mustard. 右上:農業高校のカラマツとシラカバ並木。Larch and white birch trees.
左下:農業高校のカシワ林。Oak forest in the Agricultural High School. 右下:売買川堤防のケショウヤナギ。Two tall willow trees are standing on the both shores of Urikai river. This willow is very special species in Tokachi.
左:ドロノキ。Japanese poplar. 右上:売買川で釣りをして遊ぶ子供たち。かなり本格的な道具と服装をしていました。 Two boys were fishing on the middle shore of Urikai river.。
右下:旧日甜宿舎跡。春にはミズバショウが咲いていた川の前の紅葉。Red maple tree.。
上:旧日甜宿舎跡を流れる神社川。A small stream in the wood bush.
左下:旧日甜宿舎跡の広場に生えていた紅葉と松の木。枝が入り組んで面白い姿になっていました。A red maple and a pine tree stood very near. 右下:旧日甜宿舎跡(今も1棟だけ使われている建物もあります)の南の道路のイチョウ並木。Ginkgo trees along the street.
左上:カケス。Jay. 右上:先日森の中で見かけた大量の蝶は、イチモジフユナミシャクという蛾であったことが判明。エゾリスの会の YI さん有難うございます。
左下:まなびの公園の紅葉と落ち葉。Red maples and fallen leaves in Manbino park. 右下:札内川の堤防。向こうに愛国大橋が見えます。
Scenes of late autumn in the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School, OUAVM, and the parks along Kikanko river.
Larch trees in the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Activity of 'Ezorisu-no-kai' in the forest of Obihiro. Selective felling and preparation of bench and stools with log woods. 帯広の森での「エゾリスの会」の活動。間伐と丸太によるベンチ作り。
Upper left: Mt. Poroshiri, Upper right: Members are looking for living things under the old logged wood which had been used as a bench., Lowe photos: Dormant Queen Wasp came out from beneath the logged wood used for a bench for many years.
In the Kushiro Wetland Visitor Center, I could not walk into the wetland, because the wood walkways were under repair.
At the International crane center in Akan town, wild cranes were still not around, but I could enjoy walking along the path in the meadow and forest. Cranes in the above photos are raised in the center.
At the International crane center in Akan town, wild cranes were still not around, but I could enjoy walking along the path in the meadow and forest.
In the Kushiro zoo, there was a 'Hokkaido zone', where wooden walk way is installed in the wetland. It is very nice.
In the Kushiro zoo, there was a 'Hokkaido zone', where wooden walk way is installed in the wetland. It is very nice.
Scenes during the walk including those in Manabe garden. 真鍋庭園を含む散歩中の風景。
Photos taken during the walk from November 18 to 26 are uploaded. It has become already cold and an overcoat and gloves are necessary during walking. The sun sets early and it is already very dark at 4:30.
Pasture field of Obihiro Agricultural High School. November 18.
Scenes in the front garden of Obihiro Agricultural High School. The first photo shows the swamp ash and walnut trees along Kikanko river. November 24.
Upper left. An elm tree in front of the water pumping station at Inada. Upper right: Santa Claus and a reindeer at the entrance gate of Manabe garden. Lower left: Horticultural variety of a wild hydrangea. Lower right: Hokkaido hydrangea. November 25.
Bird-survey and selective felling in the forest of Obihiro by "Ezorisu no Kai". エゾリスの会による鳥類調査と間伐。
On December 6, I joined the activity of bird survey and selective felling by the "Ezorisu no Kai" from 7:30 in the morning. Bird survey was conducted in three groups with 3 members each in 15 minutes interval. We observed and listened the singing of birds to count them. I still can not distinguish the birds by their sounds. I just enjoyed the walking in the forest following the veteran members. Tree felling was conducted to thin the needle trees of foreign origin to make space and allow enough sunshine for the growth of native deciduous trees.
左上: エゾリスの会。集合地点付近。
December 6.
左下: 帯広の森の中。
右下: 凍り始めた第2柏林台川。
December 6.
December 6.
左下: もりの山付近から遠くに日高山脈が見えました。
右下: もりの山遠景。
December 6.
December 6.
December 6.
On December 9, I had my 69th birthday. I could have blessings from my children, grandchildren, friends and my wife. I thank them all. I walked on my birthday and the following day as usual for my health keeping. On December 9, I walked along the western bank of Satsunai river, and on December 10, I walked through the campuses of Obihiro Agricultural High School and OUAVM.
左: 自作の来年のカレンダーと孫たちからのお祝いの手紙。
December 9.
上: 清柳大橋を眺める。
December 9.
上: 愛国大橋から見た夕暮れの十勝幌尻岳。
December 9.
December 9.
December 9.
上: 機関庫川の支流沿い。
December 10.
上: 農業高校グランド南のカラマツとシラカバ並木。
December 10.
上: 農業高校のカラマツ並木。
下: 農業高校圃場南のカラマツ並木。
December 10.
上: 畜大の畑で越冬中のほうれん草。
December 10.
上: 農業高校圃場でデントコーンなどの落穂を食べるカラス。
下: 農業高校のカラマツ並木。
December 10.
Bleeding sap of a maple tree was frozen. It has not snowed yet, but it is very cold already. The lower photo is the flow of Kikanko river.
December 13.