Last year, I could conduct the training of Soil Science and Climate Change at the Yezin Agricultural University in Myanmar before the severe outbreak of the pandemic of Corona virus disease. At OUAVM, I had online lectures and practice of Soil Science and Basic Chemistry from May to August as a part time lecturer. In the latter half of the year I did not have any special duty. I could, therefore, enjoy reading and walking in the near-by field. In this year, I also would like to enjoy the outdoor life and reading at home.
New Year Message in English.
1. January, 2021
Family photos on the New Year's day and New Year's Eve.
1. January, 2021
昨年末から今年にかけての冬は降雪が非常に遅れました。1月7日まで雪が降らなかったのは、帯広測候所の記録を見ても初めてのことだそうです。 In this winter, the first snow fall was delayed remarkably. It was the first record for the Obihiro Meteorological Station that the first snow was on January 7.
Trying the walk wearing snow shoes./ Bird watching and selective tree felling in the activity of "Ezorisu no Kai". スノーシューでの試し歩き・エゾリスの会による鳥類観察と間伐。
1月17日にエゾリスの会による鳥類観察と間伐に参加しました。スノーシューが必要なので前日に帯広の森スポーツセンターで借り出し、16日に近くの公園で試し歩きをしました。 On January 17, I participated in the bird watching and selective tree felling arranged by "Ezorisu no Kai". As snow shoes were necessary, I borrowed them at the sports center at the Forest of Obihiro, and tried them in the nearby parks on January 16.
Walking in the nearby parks and streams. 近所の公園と小川沿いの散歩。
健康維持のため、近くの公園、小川沿いの道、農業高校の森、畜大キャンパスなどを散歩しています。時間帯は午後の2時から4時くらいが多いです。 For keeping my health, I walk in the nearby park, along the small streams, in the forest of Agricultural High School, as well as in the campus of the OUAVM.
Swans in Urikai river and the walk to Green Park of Obihiro. 売買川のハクチョウとグリーンパークへの散歩。
初めて売買川でハクチョウを見たのは2018年でした。その後、2019年にも見ましたが、2020年は見ることができませんでした。今年になって1月24日の散歩中に売買川で4羽のハクチョウを見ました。24日のハクチョウはお昼寝中のようでしたが、25日に再び見にいったところ目を覚まして泳いでいました。26日には姿を見ることができませんでしたので、ついでにグリーンパークにまで散歩をしました。 I saw swans in Urikai river for the first time in 2018 and again in 2019. In 2020, I could not see them. While I was walking along Urikai river on January 24, I could see 4 swans again. However, they seemed sleeping on the day. On January 25, they were awake and swimming on the river. On January 26, I could see no swans in the river. I walked further to the Green Park of Obihiro on January 26.
Heavy snow since January 7 and editing my homepage. 1月7日以来の大雪とホームページの編集。
It snowed heavily in the morning of January 27. After snowfall ceased, I removed the snow around my house. During the snow removing work, a piece of the parts of snow dump was lost, and I had to go to a home center to buy the parts. A saleslady in the shop said that the parts of any product are not sold in the home center, I bought a pair of bolt and nut to replace the parts. I did not go for walking this afternoon, as the snow removal was hard enough exercise.
After the snow removal work, I edited the files in my private home page, because the photos of plants, mushrooms, insects, animals and birds which I uploaded in the last December were very hard to be read on internet due to the very large file size. Today, I made separate independent files for plants, mushrooms, insects and so on. Now these files can be read speedy on the internet.
On January 28, I walked my routine path after the heavy snow. The path was not removed of snow and only the footsteps of precedent walker were found on the snow. It will snow heavily again from this evening.
ときどきわが家から北方3kmほどの売買川堤防まで散歩します。冬の間、過去にも白鳥を見かけたことがありますが、今年も1月24日、25日と2月1日に白鳥を見ることができました。他の日に行っても見かけないこともありましたし、私が行かなかった日や他の時間にいたこともあるでしょう。野鳥なのでそこにいるかいないかは相手まかせですが、見かけると心が和みます。 I often walk to the bank of Urikai river around 3 km apart from my house. In the winter of past years, I saw swans in this river. This year also, I could see them on January 24, 25, and February 1. Whether I can find them there depends on them as they are wild birds. Anyway I feel happy when I find them there.
Bulbuls and Dusky thrushes on a mountain ash tree in front of my house. 家の前のナナカマドに来るヒヨドリとツグミ。
わが家の前の道路沿いにナナカマドが街路樹として植えられており、冬も最も寒い時期になるとヒヨドリやカケスが実を食べにやってきます。2月6日にはアカゲラも来ていました。これらの鳥が猛禽類に襲われることもあり、1月18日には歩道の上に鳥の羽が散らばっているのを見ました。 Mountain ash trees are planted along the road in front of my house. During the coldest winter season, bulbuls and dusky thrushes come to these trees to eat the red fruits. I could also find a woodpecker on February 6. Sometimes, these birds are attacked raptors. On January 18, I found feathers of small birds scattered on the pedestrian way.
Walking to the Green Park of Obihiro. 帯広緑ヶ丘公園まで散歩。
ときどき気が向くと緑ヶ丘公園まで歩きます。わが家から6km ほどあるので、公園内での散歩の時間を含めると3時間から4時間かかります。
When I feel like going, I walk to the Green Park of Obihiro, which is around 6 km far from my house and it takes 3 - 4 hours to and from the park including the walk in the park.
Walking in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and nearby parks. 帯広農業高校の森と近所の公園を散歩。
Usually I walk in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and in "Manabino park" and "Kikanko no Kawa" park along the stream of Kikanko river. Depending on days, I walk clockwise or counter-clockwise as I like.
Walking in the campus of Obihiro University of Agriculture and the bank of Urikai river. 帯広畜産大学キャンパスと売買川の堤防を散歩。
Usually I walk in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School and in "Manabino park" and "Kikanko no Kawa" park along the stream of Kikanko river. Depending on days, I walk clockwise or counter-clockwise as I like.
Visit to the International Crane Center in Akan town. 阿寒町の国際ツルセンターを訪問。
As I had a business meeting in Akan town on February 10, I visited the International Crane Center on February 9 and 10 before the meeting.
In the afternoon of 9. February, 2021
Bird survey and selective felling of trees in the forest of Obihiro by Ezorisu-no-Kai on January 17 and February 21. エゾリスの会による帯広の森での鳥類調査と間伐。1月17日と2月21日。
Bird survey and selective felling of trees in the forest of Obihiro by Ezorisu-no-Kai on January 17 and February 21.
Scenes along Kikanko river, Urikai river and in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School, "Haguku-mu" in the forest of Obihiro.
Photos taken in the markets of Sarawak, Malaysia in 2008 and 2016. 2008年と2016年にサラワクの市場で撮った写真。
In January and August in 2008, as well as in August of 2009, I visited Mukah and Kutin, Sarawak state, Malaysia for studying the dissolved organic matter in the river water flowing in the peatland. In August of 2016, I visited Kutin again to attend the International Peat Congress. During those visits, I visited the local markets and taken the photo of foods sold in the market, which I show here. These photos show that there are various rich foods in the tropics. Finally, photos during wetland water sampling were also uploaded.
Removal of the abandoned farm house near the Kikanko river and the walk along the bank of Urikai river to the west of OUAVM field. 機関庫川沿いの廃屋の解体と畜大圃場西側の売買川堤防の散歩。
Prelude: on February 26, I walked along Kikanko river, then passed through the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School, and walked into the forest of the high school. Beside the stream of Kikanko river, the removal operation of the abandoned farm house seems to have started.
On the same day, a Japanese journalist was arrested by a Myanmar coup soldier in Yangon. It was the first case of the arrest of foreign journalist. Maybe the Myanmar coup makes light of Japanese government, because the latter is sympathetic to militarism. In 2007, one Japanese journalist, Mr. Kenji Nagai, who was taking the video of the demonstration of Myanmar buddhist priests in Yangon, was shot to death by a Myanmar soldier. However, Japanese government did not protest to the Myanmar military government thereafter.
Walk on 26. February, 2021. Larch forest.
Walk on 26. February, 2021. Removal of the abandoned house has started.
Long walk part 1, from the field of Obihiro Agricultural High School to OUAVM field.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. The field of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Walked through the campus of OUAVM. Practice field of the horsemanship club.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Walked through the campus of OUAVM. Lowe photos show the forest of Earth hammock field.
Long walk part 2, along the bank of Urikai river.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Arrived at the bank of Urikai river.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Walked along the bank of Urikai river.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Walked along the bank of Urikai river.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Walked along the bank of Urikai river.
Long walk part 3, return way along Kikanko river.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Passed through the field of Agricultural High School.
Walk on 27. February, 2021. Removal operation of the abandoned farm house beside the Kikanko river.
Walking in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School up to the lower terrace natural forest. 帯広農業高校の森を低位段丘の自然林部分まで散歩。
On February 26, I walked in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School up to the lower terrace natural forest. The snow was still deep in the forest, and I should have worn the snowshoes. Removal work of the abandoned farm house has not been finished. The work was suspended as it was Sunday today. 2月28日は農業高校の森の低位段丘自然林部分まで足を延ばしてみました。まだスノーシューを履いた方が歩きやすかっただろうなと思いました。機関庫川沿いの廃屋の解体作業は日曜日のため休止中でした。
Part 1: White birch alley in the lowland area of Seiryu.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Part 2. Oak forest beside the upland farm on the lower terrace.
段丘崖のミズナラ林。 崖の下を流れる機関庫川の支流(上)。 崖の下の畑とその向こうのカラマツ防風林(下)。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
段丘崖のミズナラ林。 木立の間を歩きました。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Part 3: Entered the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
農業高校の森。植林地部分。 途中、谷上の地形があります。段丘上の水のはけ口になっています。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
農業高校の森。植林地部分。 崖下の自分の足跡(上)。機関庫川の支流、早春にはエンコウソウが咲くところ(下)。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Part 4: Natural forest area on the lower terrace.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Part 5: Kikanko river and Manabino Park
機関庫川沿いの廃屋の解体現場。 解体工事が始まって3日目ですが、今日は工事がお休みでした。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
まなびの公園。 木立の間はまだ雪が深いですが、散歩愛好者の踏み分けた小道がついています。
Walk on 28. February, 2021.
Walking to the bank of Urikai river near the "Home of salmon park". 売り買い川堤防(サケのふるさと公園近く)まで散歩。
On March 1, I walked to the bank of Urikai river near the "Home of salmon park". Due to the warmth of these days, snow on the river bank has been melted considerably. However, it is expected to snow heavily again from tomorrow. 3月1日は売り買い川堤防(サケのふるさと公園近く)まで散歩しました。しかし、また明日から大雪が降ると言われています。
Enjoying the heavy snow in the nearby field. 近くで大雪を楽しむ。
On March 2, we had heavy snow in Obihiro. Thereafter, we could enjoy the extended snow season for 12 more days. The scene of "Mori-no-yama" in the forest of Obihiro on March 7 was marvelous. 3月2日には大雪が降りました。そのため雪の季節をさらに12日間延長して楽しむことができました。3月7日のもりの山(帯広の森)は素晴らしかったです。3月14日にはみぞれ混じりの雨が降り、大雪の際に降った分はほとんど溶けてしまいました。
View of Satsunai river and mountains seen from Aikoku-Ohashi bridge. 愛国大橋から見た札内川と山の眺め。
On March 15, I walked to Aikoku-Ohashi bridge to see the flow of Satsunai river and mountains. For my return way, I passed through Manabino park and Kikanko-no-kawa park. 3月15日には愛国大橋まで札内川と山の景色を見に行きました。帰りはまなびの公園と機関庫の川公園を通りました。
Walking on the melting snow to the bank of Urikai river and in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. 融雪が進むなか、売買川堤防と帯広農業高校の森を散歩。
On March 17, I walked to Aikoku station to the bank of Urikai river and in the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School. The bark of apple trees in my garden has been eaten by some animal at their basal part. 急に雪融けが進んできました。家の庭の2本のリンゴの木の根元の樹皮が何者かにかじられていました。若いアルプス乙女の方は幹を1周かじられているので、回復できるかどうか心配です。午後には売買川の堤防まで散歩してきました。ここも雪融けのため流れが速くなっていました。
Walking to see Hidaka mountain range and Kikanko river. 日高山脈と機関庫川を見に散歩。
In the morning of March 20, I walked up to the road on the middle terrace (the road beside the pasture field of OUAVM) to see Hidaka mountains, and in the afternoon, I walked along Kikanko river in the Manabino park. 3月20日の午前中には坂を登って中位段丘上の道路(畜大の牧草地沿いの道)まで行き日高山脈を見ました。午後には学びの公園の機関庫川沿いを散歩しました。
Snow after the spring equinox day and the rapid snow melting thereafter. 春分の日の後の降雪とその後の急速な融雪。
On March 20, we had wet snow, but on the following days weather has recovered and the first flower in the spring, adonis (Pheasant's eye) has bloomed. 3月21日には湿った雪が降りましたが、その後のお天気は回復し、春の訪れを告げる福寿草が咲き始めました。
The first day of spring was snowy. Spring will not come so easily in our place. Today, I did not walk outside due to the bad weather, except the snow removing work in the morning. 上: 家の庭。下:家の前の道路。
21. March, 2021.
The season of butterbur scape germination. フキノトウが芽吹く季節。
Butterbur scapes have started to germinate on the shore of small streams around my house. Along with my daily walking, I picked up them for our wild vegetable dish. At first, it was difficult to find enough numbers of them, but day by day they increased and it has become easy to find them. 家の近くの小川沿いではフキノトウが芽吹き始めました。散歩がてら、家のおかず用に採集しました。初めはなかなか見つからなかったのですが、だんだん数が増えて容易に見つけられるようになりました。
Flowering of willow blossoms and a walk to the bank of Urikai river to the west of OUAVM farm field. オノエヤナギの開花と畜大農場西の売買川堤防の散歩。
Flowering of willow blossoms along Kikanko river (April 1) and a walk to the bank of Urikai river to the west of OUAVM farm field (April 2). 機関庫川沿いのオノエヤナギの開花(4月1日)と畜大農場西の売買川堤防の散歩(4月2日)。
1. April, 2021.
1. April, 2021.
1. April, 2021.
1. April, 2021.
Activity of Ezorisu-no-Kai to survey the eggs of frogs in the forest of Obihiro. 帯広の森でエゾリスの会によるカエルの産卵状態調査に参加。
On April 3, I joined the activity of Ezorisu-no-Kai to survey the eggs of frogs in the forest of Obihiro. Not only the eggs of frogs, I could enjoy watching the plants, squirrels and fishes in the surveyed field. 4月3日はエゾリスの会の活動で「カエルの産卵状態調査・1週目」に参加しました。カエルの卵ばかりでなく、エゾリス、植物、魚などいろいろなものを見て楽しみました。
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
上:折れたシラカバの木。 下:水たまりの残雪と足跡のような氷。
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
3. April, 2021.
On April 5, I walked to the direction of the bank of Urikai river to the north of my house. In a small branch river which flows in the former staff housing area of "Nitten" sugar company from the forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School, Asian skunk cabbage was blooming. 4月5日はわが家から北方の売買川堤防方面に散歩しました。途中、ニッテン職員住宅跡を流れる小川にミズバショウ(Lysichiton camtschatcensis Schott) が咲いていました。
5. April, 2021.
5. April, 2021.
5. April, 2021.
5. April, 2021.
上:中洲のオノエヤナギ 。下:中洲のフキノトウ。
5. April, 2021.
上: 売買川の堰。下:急流となった売買川。
5. April, 2021.
左: ケショウヤナギ。 右上:ケショウヤナギの芽。右下:オニグルミの芽。
5. April, 2021.
上: 機関庫川沿いのオニグルミとヤチダモ。 下:機関庫川にかかる丸太の橋。
5. April, 2021.
On April 6, I walked into the wet type forest of Obihiro Agricultural High School to see Eastern skunk cabbage. 4月6日は農業高校の湿地林にザゼンソウ (Symplocarpus renifolius Schott ex Tzveler) を見に行きました。
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.
6. April, 2021.