Taking the photos of total eclipse of the moon in the evening till night. 夕方から夜まで皆既月蝕を撮影。
These photos are those of the lunar eclipse from 18:13 to 21:58 on November 8, in my place Obihiro. The Uranus was supposed to come out from the shadow of the moon around 21:50. However, I could not catch the image of Uranus. Photos of rising moons from the bank of Satsunai river were also added preceding the main photos.
Rising moon from the bank of Satsunai river. Upper left: 16.13.48, upper right: 16.15.34, lower left: 16.16.36, lower right: 16.17.32.
Rising moon from the bank of Satsunai river. Upper left: 16.18.35, upper right: 16.19.00, lower left: 16.20.54, lower right: 16.21.28.
Upper left: 20.00.28, upper right: 20.00.53, lower left: 20.26.39, lower right: 20.26.58.
Uranus was already caught in these photos. 天王星がすでに写っていました。
Upper left: 20.44.08, upper right: 20.44.48, lower left: 20.45.39, lower right: 20.46.47.
Uranus was already caught in these photos. 天王星がすでに写っていました。
Upper left: 20.47.44, upper right: 20.48.48, lower left: 20.50.29, lower right: 20.50.34.
The photo at 20:50:34 was just before the infiltration of Uranus. 20時54分34秒の写真は天王星の潜入直前のものです。
Photos of Uranus which was hiding behind the moon were taken on the occasion of total eclipse of the moon on November 8. 11月8日の皆既月蝕の際に天王星が月の裏側に潜入する場面を撮影しました。
11月8日の皆既月蝕において天王星が月の裏側に潜入する直前の様子を、20:46:47 から20:20:34 までの5枚の写真で確認できました。天王星は月の左下の部分に非常に小さく見えますが、少しずつ月に近寄っています。20:50:34 では潜入する直前です。また、知り合いの方がターコイズフリンジの青い帯が写っていると教えてくれました。地球の大気で太陽光が散乱分散し、皆既月蝕の際に赤い色は大きく散乱して月全体を照らすのに対して、青い色は散乱しにくいので帯状になって月面を照らすためだそうです。
Uranus which is approaching the moon was observed on the photos of lunar eclipse. The photos were taken at 20:46:47, 20:47:44, 20:48:48, 20:50:29 and 20:50:34 on November 8. Very small star was approaching the lower left side of the moon.
One of my friends also informed me that "turquoise fringe" is observable on my photos taken at 20:50:29 and 20:50:34.
On the other hand, Uranus which was coming out from the shadow of the moon could not be identified on the photos.
1. 天王星の潜入1時間前からの写真
Uranus was already recognizable at the lower left side of the moon even 1 hour before the expected hiding time. Upper photo was taken at 19:50:12 and the lower photo was taken at 20:00:37.
Uranus was recognized at the lower left side of the moon 20 minutes and 5 minutes before the expected hiding time. Upper photo was taken at 20:26:21 and the lower photo was taken at 20:44:08.
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の周りの星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37. 月の周りの星を見るために、明るさを変えてみましたが、まだ良く見えないので、以下に拡大した画像も載せます。天王星は月のすぐ下くらいにあるはずなのですが、これらの星よりもっと小さく暗かったのかもしれません。
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の周りの星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37.
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の下方の星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37.
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の上方の星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37.
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の左側の星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37.
11月8日21時50分37秒頃の月の右側の星。Stars around the moon at 21.50.37.
Photos of approaching Mars and moon. 接近する火星と月の写真を撮りました。
11月11日の夜は月と火星が接近して見えるとのことで、写真を撮ってみました。火星は明るいとはいえ、月の明るさと比べるとはるかに暗いので両方を同時にはっきりと写すことは困難でした。最初の写真は 21:22:58 に、 2番目の写真は 21:23:26 に撮りました。火星は2枚目の写真のMarsと書き込んだM の字のすぐ下に小さく写っていました。
In the night of November 11, Mars and moon approached together. As the brightness of Mars was much lower than that of moon, it was difficult to take the clear images of both together in one picture.
The first picture was taken at 21:22:58 and the second at 21:23:26. Mars was recognized below the letter "M" in the second photo.
Full moon in autumn from end of September to early October is very beautiful and admired by Japanese people. On October 4, 2017, I went out to see the moon on the river bank of Satsunai river. It was already very cold in the evening.
Full moon in July was expected on July 3. However, it was rainy on the day. I could see the full moon near my house at around 21:30 on July 4. Full moon in July has been called "Buck moon" by native Americans, as the horns of deer will be replaced in this season. But this name is not so familiar in modern life. I associated "Bug" with "Buck", as insects have become active these days, for example, I have seen aphids, ants, gold beetle, butterflies, and bees in my garden. In this season, lavender is in full bloom in Hokkaido. I thought, "Lavender moon" will be more elegant for the nickname of the full moon in July.